Elixir of Courage ($EOC)

Play-and-earn currency of Etheria


  • Players are rewarded with the $EOC utility token as they progress through the game

    • Token inflation will be controlled by the reward amounts and Energy system

  • $EOC is used to imbue (mint) new Heroes (gen 2+) on the Ethereum blockchain

    • New Heroes can be held to increase Energy regeneration or traded on secondary markets for new players to join the game ecosystem

    • Future generations of heroes will be optimized and scheduled for release in the roadmap depending on the overall state of the game

      • Later sets can have varying availability and require differing amounts of $EOC and held Heroes to mint

    • Gen 2 heroes will be released when the Alpha goes live

  • $EOC is an long term commodity that will have new utility added in the future

  • A liquidity pool will be set up to make $EOC available to swap

Last updated